I-15 plot allottees are given a deadline for clearing development charges

News Announcement

According to a news source on August 29, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) sent a notice to the residents of the Sector I-15 plot allottees asking them to submit development charges by tomorrow August 30.

Opposition to CDA

The news source mentioned that if the allottees fail to comply could result in the cancellation of their allocated plots. However, the residents have expressed strong opposition to the CDA’s decision. They argue that the ongoing development work in the sub-sectors justifies an extension of the deadline. They deemed the current demand for swift payment of development charges unjust, especially considering that these charges were not requested during the initial allotment in 2005. Read: CDA Decides To Provide Pre-Approved Housing Plans To Facilitate Citizens

Project Development

An official of CDA stated that approximately 70% of the development work across the entire sector has been completed. This emphasized that over 6,000 possession letters are ready for issuance to allottees. It went on to say that the nominal development charges are reasonable and essential to ensure the progress of the project. This project maintained that adherence to the payment timeline is crucial to prevent the cancellation of allotted plots.

Financial Obligations

Moreover, the CDA official indicated that the CDA could consider a sympathetic review of the deadline extension requests. However, it underlined that all allottees obliged to fulfill their financial obligations. Read: During The Fiscal Year 2022-23, Tourism Surges By 87% While Construction Lags


In conclusion, the CDA’s decision to set a deadline for I-15 plot allottees to clear their development charges is a positive step towards completing the sector’s infrastructure. This move expects to have far-reaching implications, not only for the allottees but also for the overall growth and development of the area.

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