The opening of LRR SL-3 to traffic is anticipated by the end of this month

A news source reported on January 9 that Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin (CM) Naqvi stated that Ring Road Southern Loop 3 (LRR SL-3) would be completed and opened before the end of the month.

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The CM revealed that the finishing date of this 8-kilometer project was slated as January 31 during an on-site inspection of the Lahore Ring Road (LRR) SL-3 Project on Maraka Multan Road.

Weather conditions, especially slow processes of de-humidification, posed challenges. But Naqvi was optimistic about the general improvement of public transportation facilities.

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He stressed the need to maintain high standards in project implementation and gave directives regarding timely completion during the inspection. Naqvi admitted the consistent work, 24/7 dedicated work of provincial ministers. Additionally, the special teams fight against the obstacles and fulfill what the project needs in time.

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