Pakistan’s Real Estate Market Is Set To Recover After 2023-2024 Budget


The real estate sector in Pakistan faced a significant decline starting in 2022 due to government policy changes. The sector struggled to regain its former position as increased taxes and duties on property and construction played a major role in its downfall. However, the recently announced budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 brings hope for the revival of the real estate sector. In this blog, we will explore the impact of the budget on Pakistan’s real estate sector and discuss additional measures taken to support its recovery.

No New Taxes on Real Estate Businesses according to Budget 2023-2024

Contrary to previous budgets, the Budget 2023-2024 does not introduce new taxes for existing and new real estate businesses. This is positive news for a sector that has faced numerous challenges in recent years. The government recognizes the importance of generating tax revenue from this sector for overall economic growth. The decision to refrain from implementing new taxes demonstrates a commitment to providing stability and encouraging investment in the real estate market.

The real estate sector has been burdened with taxes and duties, which have hindered its growth and discouraged potential investors. By maintaining the tax status quo, the government aims to create a favorable business environment that promotes investment and encourages economic activity in the real estate sector. This measure is expected to boost investor confidence and attract domestic and foreign capital, stimulating growth in the industry.

Furthermore, the government aims to streamline tax policies and ensure transparency in the real estate sector. By eliminating new taxes, it seeks to reduce the financial burden on businesses and create an atmosphere conducive to investment and growth. The absence of new taxes will allow real estate businesses to allocate their resources more efficiently, focusing on development projects and expanding their operations.

FBR Tax Exemption for Overseas Pakistanis

The budget also brings good news for Overseas Pakistanis, as the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has announced tax exemptions to boost foreign investments, particularly in the real estate sector. The government has removed the 2% tax on property purchases made through remittances. This exemption aims to attract overseas investors, encouraging them to invest in the real estate market and contribute to its growth. By creating a favorable environment for foreign investment, the government aims to boost the economy and strengthen the real estate sector.

Overseas Pakistanis play a crucial role in the country’s economy through remittances and investments. Hence, recognizing their potential as significant contributors to the real estate sector, the government has taken steps to facilitate their participation. The removal of the 2% tax on property purchases made through remittances is a welcome move that will encourage Overseas Pakistanis to invest in the real estate market with greater ease and confidence. This measure is expected to increase foreign inflows and provide a much-needed boost to the sector.

In addition to the tax exemption, the government has proposed the launch of “Diamond Cards” for large-scale investors contributing over $50,000 in the property sector. The “Diamond Card” holders will enjoy various benefits, further incentivizing overseas investment in Pakistan’s real estate. These measures aim to attract high-value investments, create employment opportunities, and promote economic growth in the sector.

Extension of Construction Amnesty till 2024 according to Budget 2023-2024

The construction amnesty scheme, which provides incentives to constructors and developers, will be extended until 2024. This extension aims to support the growth of the construction and development sector, which plays a vital role in Pakistan’s economic progress. By offering amnesty and incentives to developers constructing new homes, buildings, apartments, and commercial areas, the government aims to stimulate construction activity and provide opportunities for employment and economic growth.

The construction sector drives economic development by creating jobs, boosting GDP, and stimulating related industries. Extending the construction amnesty scheme until 2024 shows the government’s commitment to support and promote infrastructure investment. This scheme offers relief to constructors and developers through streamlined regulations, legal dispute resolution, and tax incentives.

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Under the extended amnesty scheme, constructors and developers will benefit from simplified approval processes, reduced bureaucratic hurdles, and tax incentives. This will facilitate the timely completion of construction projects, attract new investments, and boost the overall competitiveness of the sector. By extending the amnesty scheme, the government aims to create an enabling environment for construction activities, leading to job creation and economic prosperity.

Relief for the Construction Sector

In addition to the extension of the construction amnesty scheme, the government offers further relief measures for the construction sector. A 10% relief on business income for the next three years has been implemented, benefiting construction companies and developers. This relief aims to reduce the financial burden on construction businesses and promote investment in the sector. By providing tax relief, the government hopes to encourage construction activity, leading to economic growth and job creation.

The construction sector has faced numerous challenges including

  • rising costs,
  • regulatory hurdles, and
  • A decline in demand.

To alleviate these issues and stimulate the sector, the government has introduced a 10% relief on business income for the next three years. This measure will help construction companies and developers improve their cash flow, reinvest in projects, and explore new opportunities.

The tax relief is expected to encourage investment in the construction sector by making it more financially viable for developers. It will also contribute to the affordability of housing and infrastructure projects, benefitting the general public. Moreover, the relief measure aims to attract local and foreign investors, fostering collaboration and partnerships in the construction sector.

Tax Relief for Developers and Building Material Suppliers according to Budget 2023-2024

To incentivize developers and building material suppliers, the government has introduced tax relief measures. Import and creation of building materials will have reduced tax percentages, reducing costs for developers. Additionally, the government has waived the requirement to disclose the source of income for personal residence construction. This measure simplifies the process for developers and removes unnecessary barriers to construction projects. By easing tax burdens and administrative requirements, the government aims to attract more developers and stimulate the real estate market.

Read: Government Reveals Builder-Friendly Tax Incentives in Budget 2023-24

The availability of affordable and quality building materials is crucial for the growth of the construction sector. Recognizing this, the government has introduced tax relief measures to support developers and building material suppliers. Hence, by reducing tax percentages on imports and the creation of building materials, the cost of construction is expected to decrease. This reduction in costs will therefore make construction projects more financially viable and contribute to the affordability of housing and infrastructure development.

Furthermore, the waiving of the requirement to disclose the source of income for personal residence construction simplifies the process for developers. This measure eliminates a bureaucratic hurdle, allowing developers to focus on their projects without unnecessary administrative burdens. The simplified process will streamline construction activities and accelerate project completion timelines, further contributing to the growth of the real estate sector.

Establishment of Tax-Free Zones

The government plans to establish tax-free zones in various cities across Pakistan. This is as part of its efforts to promote economic growth. The first tax-free zone has been declared in Gwadar, positioning it as an industrial and economic hub. Hence, by offering tax incentives and benefits to businesses operating in these zones, the government aims to

  • attract investment,
  • encourage entrepreneurship, and
  • Boost economic activity.

Tax-free zones provide a favorable environment for businesses to thrive, leading to job creation and economic prosperity.

The establishment of tax-free zones is a strategic move to attract local and foreign investment, create employment opportunities, and boost economic growth. These zones offer tax incentives, exemptions, and other benefits to businesses, making them attractive investment destinations. The tax-free zones provide a conducive environment for businesses to operate, with streamlined regulations, access to infrastructure, and support services.

Gwadar, being the first tax-free zone, holds significant potential for economic development. It presents opportunities for industrial growth, trade, and investment. The establishment of tax-free zones in other cities will further expand economic opportunities and promote regional development. These zones will attract businesses from various sectors, including real estate, manufacturing, and services, leading to job creation and economic diversification.


The budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 in Pakistan presents a ray of hope for the real estate sector. The government aims to revitalize the sector and promote economic growth through measures such as no new taxes on real estate businesses, FBR posed tax exemptions for

  • overseas Pakistanis,
  • extension of the construction amnesty scheme,
  • relief for the construction sector,
  • tax relief for developers and building material suppliers,
  • And the establishment of tax-free zones.

These initiatives demonstrate the government’s commitment to creating a conducive environment for the real estate sector, encouraging investment, and fostering economic development. The measures provide much-needed relief to businesses, incentivize investment, and streamline regulatory processes. They also aim to attract overseas Pakistanis and foreign investors, spurring economic activity and job creation.

While we can see significant potential for the real estate sector in the budget, we still need to witness its successful implementation and assess its impact. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of these measures are necessary to ensure their effectiveness and address any emerging challenges. Investors and stakeholders in the real estate sector should stay informed and adapt to the evolving dynamics of the market to make informed investment decisions.

The budget supports the real estate sector and aligns with the government’s vision for economic growth. It provides opportunities to revive the sector, create jobs, and drive development.

Moreover, to stay informed about the latest developments regarding ‘Budget 2023-2024: Revitalizing Pakistan’s Real Estate Sector’, we encourage you to stay connected with Royal Business Solutions, your trusted source for timely updates and valuable insights.


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